An in-depth investigation is needed into taxpayer dollars spent on bizarre research of animals, fish and insects, in a failed ...
Expert declares mental health and psychiatry are in a tailspin. CCHR warns of psychiatric treatment risks, rising drug deaths ...
A Minnesota man, David Russell, 44, has successfully fought against being court-ordered to receive further damaging ...
“A comprehensive overhaul of the FDA’s review, approval and monitoring process for psychotropic drugs and psychiatric devices is vital to safeguarding public health and ensuring the protection of ...
The World Medical Association (WMA) has unanimously approved new guidelines on informed consent in medical research aimed at enhancing human rights for research participants.[1] While acknowledging ...
“CCHR urges an immediate shift away from harmful psychiatric treatments that put veterans at risk of worsening mental health and even suicide.” The mental health watchdog says the VA and DoD waste ...
In light of a recent media investigation and Medicare statistics, a mental health watchdog says increased government oversight of antipsychotic use and electroshocking of nursing… ...
Despite promises to cut back on Pharma funds, 56% of DSM V panel members have reported industry ties— Zero improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members.
Psychotropic medications are associated with adverse drug reactions (ADRs), many of which are serious, in children younger than 17 years, according to a new database study from Danish researchers.
Autism, birth defects, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) — these are among the many serious health conditions newborn babies face whose mothers take selective serotonin reuptake ...