If there's one technical skill that's a priority for professional development, it's definitely AI. Here are five free courses ...
HDI, the leading organization dedicated to elevating service and support across the enterprise, today unveils “The State of ...
The International Customer Management Institute (ICMI), the leading global provider of comprehensive resources for customer management professionals, ...
There are only a few days left before Christmas rolls in, and Lazada, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in the country, ...
While the institute is still largely in its research phase, that research will drive course development that will transform ...
Google's AI Prompt Engineering course learn the basics to advanced strategies, unlock AI's potential for work, data, and ...
The project’s leader says that allowing everyone to access the collection of public-domain books will help “level the playing ...
AI training data has a big price tag, one best-suited for deep-pocketed tech firms. This is why Harvard University plans to ...
The course will instruct teachers and soon-to-be teachers on how to handle artificial intelligence in the classroom.
“Columbus State constantly is making efforts to have updated curriculum so that we’re current and meeting the workforce ...
From the early days of mechanical automatons to more recent conversational bots, scientists and engineers have dreamed of a ...
A new class at Arizona State University could set the standard for how AI literacy is taught to the coming generations nationwide.