Be mindful of people forcing their version of seeing the world onto you. People often project their own fears, biases, or expectations onto others, which can cloud their judgment or create ...
Whenever possible, you like to keep things positive, Sagittarius. But taking the high road might be especially challenging this Thursday, December 12, when combative Mars spins into a direct ...
This is a very important week for your personal life and relationship as the full moon will rise in your seventh house, and Mercury is retrograding in your sign. You will be active, but you will have ...
This story is part of the December 8 edition of Sunday Life.See all 12 stories. Free weekly forecast in life, love and career from renowned astrologer, Hedy Damari. Art by Eliza Iredale Get the ...
Get organized, Sagittarius. What's your month look like, and how are you preparing for the new year? Have you written your resolutions or life goals. Make it a thing where you tackle the new ...
Today you and your beloved will be filled with ideas. You guys will successfully put the ideas in the required place. It will be possible to inject some practicality into the plan you want to conceive ...
The Sun and Venus have been locked in a tense alignment for a while. Today, although this challenging link isn't over, their relationship peaks. Meanwhile, Venus (love and abundance) opposes ...
Championing imposter syndrome? Put your creative stamp on the world as the sun and Chiron harmonize. Make your presence known. Pursuing a dream or presenting your ideas positions you for public ...
The UK Tea & Infusions Association (UKTIA) says 84% of the UK population drinks tea every day, so there’s no doubt the nation loves it - with milk too, apparently. UKTIA say around 100 million ...
Read Sagittarius Horoscope Today for December 11: Your emotional side will strengthen. Check the full predictions here. Read Sagittarius Horoscope Today for December 10: Enthusiasm and morale will ...