A Central Texas man was arrested after he messaged whom he believed to be a 13-year-old girl in an effort to initiate a ...
The report said a John Hopkins University study found that spending more than three hours per day online (if you think that’s ...
Parent Lauren Methena said she is on board with these disciplinary actions. An emergency with her daughter last school year ...
The State Board of Education is considering whether to recommend new policies or laws that limit students from using ...
There are literally thousands of ways to give locally. Here are a few ideas. Please let us know what we have missed and any corrections. Send corrections or updates to [email protected] ...
So far, there has been minimal research on the impact of smartwatches on young children’s learning and development. Data on ...
Bryan Dossantos-Gomes disappeared in December 2006 at just 4 weeks old. Cold case detectives are still working to find out ...
Good cybersecurity practices are vital for both you and your children. Help your children build good habits by protecting ...
Gov. Newsom and state educators hosted a summit on how to get teens off cellphones ahead of a statewide ban and LAUSD ...
I feared that they would pick me up and that I would never see my kids again. As soon as he becomes president, I will fear ...
Washington's quicksilver addiction treatment system is failing kids. On a shoestring budget, a tiny Seattle team labors to ...
Tamuna Museridze has reunited hundreds of families torn apart by a baby trafficking scandal – now she has found her own birth ...