Big Basin Redwoods State Park is California's oldest, and it was 97 percent burned in 2020, when the CZU Lightning Complex ...
Four years ago, fire ravaged 97% of Big Basin Redwoods State Park in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Today, a hike on the Redwood ...
The county will blame other entities (other state, or federal agencies) when there is a costly and confusing permitting requirement,” writes Toraun McKinney in a Guest Commentary.
Jednou z efektivních cest, jak podpořit nejen opylovače, ale i další bezobratlé živočichy žijící v zemědělské krajině, je ...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday he’s “doing everything” he can to try to pass legislation that ...
Santa Cruz County supervisors voted Tuesday to end a costly third-party contract for wildfire rebuild permitting, shifting ...
More than four years after the CZU wildfire, Santa Cruz County plans to phase out its partnership with 4Leaf, the firm ...
Santa Cruz County CARE Court opened this month, a voluntary process for people with severe mental illness who are unable to ...
V kampusu České zemědělské univerzity v Praze se nachází také ucelený sportovní areál. Vedle tělocvičen a venkovních ...
CalFire crews have scheduled a controlled burn Monday along the San Mateo County coast near Pescadero as a way to reduce fire ...
My commitment is to ensure our community remains a place where people can feel safe, where our children can grow up without ...
A tsunami warning Thursday for much of the West Coast and northern Santa Cruz County stood for just over an hour before it ...