World-leading research in some of the most exciting areas of theoretical physics. Founded in 1956 by Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam, the Centre conducts research across Cosmology, Gravitational Physics, ...
Our research themes are highly interdisciplinary and involve collaborations with departments from all faculties in the College, London hospitals, and international universities and research centres.
We connect Imperial with key stakeholders - locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We ensure the College has a voice in important public policy debates and keep colleagues informed on ...
Location: Hybrid Meeting (Hybrid – online Via Teams and Meeting room 427/428 4th Floor ICTEM, Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road W12 0NN Please note the seminar organizers and the Head of Section would ...
The UK Government has developed Trusted Research Guidance to help UK academics and research organisations understand and manage the potential risks associated with international research collaboration ...
We believe all people should be able to access an education at Imperial, but we understand some students will find their time here harder than others. Not everyone starts from the same place and ...