Russian presidential         aircraft and funds were used in a program that took children         from occupied Ukrainian territories, stripped them of Ukrainian         identity and placed them with ...
South Korean President Yoon Suk         Yeol's shocking late-night declaration of martial law brought         years of clashes with domestic opponents, the media and even his         own conservative ...
The Democratic-led U.S.         Senate returned on Monday for a showdown with the         Republican-controlled House of Representatives over government         spending, disaster relief and defense ...
The Fifth China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers' Meeting, held on Sunday in southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu, saw extensive discussions among the foreign ministers on comprehensively advancing ...
The way the dinosaurs relinquished their long dominance is well known. An asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ...
The U.S.         decision to allow Ukraine to fire American weapons deeper into         Russia has not increased the risk of a nuclear attack, which is         unlikely, despite Russian President ...
But despite the rising trepidation about both regions, for those at t         he very top of the Pentagon Asia remains the top concern, with a rapidly rearming China that senior U.S. officials say ...
A unified voice calling for bolder actions to decarbonize the maritime transport and ensure a green transition has been heard in the World Maritime Merchants Forum 2024, which officially concluded on ...
美國11月Markit服務業採購經理人指數(PMI)終值為56.1, 為2022年3月以來新高, 但低於預期的57.         美國11月Markit綜合PMI終值跌至54.9, 預期為55.3.
美國公司的就業情況保持穩健, 進一步證明了勞動力市場放緩但具有韌性.         美國11月ADP新增就業人數為14萬6000人, 低於預期的15萬1000人, 前值為23萬3000人修正為18萬4000人.         報告顯示, 各行業的就業增長情況個別發展. 教育、醫療保健和建築行業升幅最秀, 而製造業就業則出現超過一年以來的最大跌幅. 休閒和金融服務行業的招聘情況也較為疲弱.
南韓當局一度發出戒嚴令, 香港保險業聯會表示, 旅遊保險提供的取消行程保障, 需要符合指定原因, 包括目的地發生自然災害或惡劣天氣、 罷工等, 而戒嚴並非指定的風險因素, 不屬於保障範圍.         保險業聯會又指, 由於戒嚴令是政府的政令或管制, 並非商業運作的旅遊保險所能承擔的風險, 因戒嚴而產生的相關損失, 亦不在保障範圍之內, 旅客如果希望取消或提早結束行程, 可向航空公司、 酒店及 ...
美國按揭貸款利率降至10月中旬以來的最低水平, 在包含感恩節假期的這一周引發了購房融資熱潮.         根據按揭貸款銀行家協會(MBA)周三公佈的數據, 在截至11月29日的一周, 30年期按揭貸款的合約利率下跌17個基點至6.69厘, 創出8月以來的最大單周下跌.         MBA的購房貸款申請指數經季節因素調整後上漲百分之5, 達到今年以來的最高水平.         按揭貸款利率 ...